For the last two weeks or so, we have been pulling together all the threads of our extended unit of inquiry into Issues in Africa. We are using Wikispaces to host student digital portfolios (see requirements below):

Students not only explored alternate genres and mediums for sharing key learnings from their research using multigenre elements (see options below), but they also learned how to embed RSS feeds and HTML code, how to publish their Evernote notebooks, and how to upload other kinds of content, such as PowerPoint and Publisher files; students also linked to published work created in Google Docs.  Our helpful handouts to scaffold these skills include:

If you are interested in knowing more about multigenre elements resources, you can check out my multigenre research project resource page as well as the latest menu (which Susan and I will update in February 2011) of options (students were also welcome to submit alternate genres):

You can see all digital portfolios by clicking here and see where we are on our learning continuum;  here you will see student multigenre elements, presentation slidedecks, RSS feeds or links to their learning blogs, collaborative research papers created in Google Docs, a link to their Evernote notebook, and the discussion area we used during our peer review.

We also took a day of class to engage in peer review of the learning portfolios.  My co-teacher Susan Lester and I created this document to give students a springboard for constructive feedback; they also used this form to provide feedback on the “discussion” tab of a fellow student’s page.  We took the class rolls, cut the names into strips, and had students draw a name from their own class period pool (we teach sections–4th and 7th periods) as well as one name from the other class.  See the peer review form below:

I’d like to thank Ben M., Casey, Ben. F, and Bryce for taking a few minutes to share their thoughts on their learning experiences of the last few weeks, the digital portfolios, and the multigenre elements.  You can see their portfolios at:

I will be spotlighting more portfolios in the next few days, particularly those with interesting and creative multigenre elements.  I hope you enjoy browsing our students’ work and hearing some of their reflections on their participatory learning experiences this past semester in 10th World Literature/Composition.